Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Wreckage of Kabul

My last post gave a glimpse of some post-Taliban recovery in sections of Kabul. New stores, restaurants, and even some modern luxuries have made their way into Afghanistan's ancient Capital. But the scars of war remain, and are fixtures of a city that still has much healing to do. It's hard to imagine enduring 30 years of war, more than five times the length of America's involvement in World War II.

In Kabul, there is no need to imagine, because the reality is everywhere. Buildings have pock marks from bullets, and entire structures were destroyed by either Soviet bombing or civil war. Years later, these artifacts are a constant reminder of past conflicts. Someday, let us hope in our lives, we will see a Kabul where the only scarred landmarks are monuments to preserve history and to remind generations to come of war’s devastation. For now, Afghanistan’s ever-present past is real, and a fact of daily life.


  1. Adam,

    I am very much enjoying your blog.

    Good job...and stay safe, Shipmate!


  2. Hey Adam,

    I'm finally getting around to visiting your blog again, and really enjoy the diversity of subject matter that you discuss....from cuisine to base past time activities to the urban landscape of Kabul.

    I recently attended a conference with an Afghan scholar and her daughter who shared some of their challenges. If you have a chance to talk more about women, education and schools in Afghanistan, I would love to hear more.

    Keep up the great work.


  3. Adam,

    Beau and I think of you often. We will now begin to read your blog which is very informative.

    Take care and keep up the good work.
