Sunday, April 12, 2009


The last stop on our trip was Mezar-i-Sharif. Actually, it wasn't much of a visit, as we were there connecting to our flight to Kabul. Mezar is city in Northern Afghanistan, and the reconstruction effort is led by the German Army. The base where we landed is home to more than 2,000 Germans and very few people from other nations.

As one would expect, the base was immaculate, with paved and lit sidewalks and well-manicured landscaping. Even the chow hall was spotless, with traditional German cuisine. I must say, it was an interesting experience being on a German military base with so few Americans, especially seeing the Iron Cross on the military vehicles.

World War II was 60 years ago, and we are now in a different time. Germany is one of our closest allies and an integral part of the effort in Afghanistan. Many of my close friends here are German. While history will always be etched in our minds, I am happy that former adversaries of tragic wars in the last century can now work together rebuilding one of the world’s poorest nations.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I clicked over from Gen X in Iraq who recommended your blog. I read through several of your posts and find them very fascinating. I find it hard to sort through political spin when I read news reports on what is going on in Afghanistan so I value reports such as yours. I realize you are a public affairs officer and have a company line to follow (just as I do when I write about the business I'm in.) but still appreciate your insights.
